Here’s a look between the covers of Season of Wonder: Day 1

Hope can feel risky because disappointment lurks closely behind it. If you’ve ever faced disappointment, you know that it’s easier to expect little and be pleasantly surprised than hope big and feel crushed. Hope and fear often tango, each fighting to lead our hearts.

Continuing to hope in a desperate situation can feel like the dangerous, more painful choice. But if we give up, we risk missing the miracle.

The hope born in Jesus will never disappoint. Scripture tells us that when Jesus rules—and He will rule—it will be wonderful. He understands our weaknesses and needs, yet holds the power and authority of God. His rule will not be like any earthly leader. Our human leaders repeatedly disappoint us. Their leadership can be marked by imperfections, failures, or corruption. But Jesus will reign with true justice, righteousness, and peace. The Bible describes this coming Kingdom as a place where every wrong will be made right, where sorrow and suffering will cease, and where God’s glory will shine forever.

The promise of this Savior is woven throughout Scripture. The prophets foretold of a Messiah who would rescue and restore God’s people. This King will sit on David’s throne and establish a kingdom that will never end. This King—our Hope—is Jesus. He is the fulfillment of all God’s promises, the One who was to come and who will come again.

Jesus is the embodiment of every hope humanity has longed for: hope for peace, hope for healing, hope for justice, and hope for a world made whole. Under His reign, we will experience life as it was meant to be—a life filled with joy, security, and unending worship of our King.

This is our hope: Jesus has come. This is our hope: Jesus is coming again. The first Advent—the birth of Christ in a manger—points us forward to the second Advent, the glorious return of Christ. Our hope is not just in a historical event but in a future reality. Jesus has already come to bring salvation, and He will come again to complete His redemptive work.

So we wait, but it is not in despair. We wait in expectation. We hold to the promise that a day is coming when Jesus will return, and He will gather His people. His Kingdom will be fully established. Every tear will be wiped away, and His perfect justice and love will be known by all. Until then, we pray, we watch, and we hope, for the King is coming soon.


You’ll find hope as you remember the Messiah was promised to you before you even knew you needed Him. As you read the prophecies, lean into God’s promises. No matter what life throws your way, you can find comfort in knowing there’s an eternal plan in motion. So, hold on to hope!


Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of the Messiah. As I reflect on the passages of Scripture that speak of His coming, help me to find hope in Jesus’ names and attributes. When I face challenges, remind me that Jesus is my Wonderful Counselor. In moments of weakness, redirect me to my Mighty God. When I feel alone, help me feel the love of my Father. And in times of turmoil, grant me the peace that only the Prince of Peace can give. I want this season to be a time of renewed hope and a deeper trust in Your promises. Help me share this hope with those around me. In His precious name, I pray. Amen.

I hope you enjoyed this look between the covers of Season of Wonder. Season of Wonder holds 25 daily devotionals to encourage you as you pursue Christ this Christmas season. Season of Wonder releases Nov 4th in print and electronic versions can be pre-ordered now.