My daughter and I were chatting about God and how He will do what He sets out to do every time. We talked about where human responsibility meets God’s sovereignty and the difference prayer or sacrifice makes.

I continued to think about our conversation long after the discussion was finished. My actions are less about motivating God and more about motivating my heart to keep in step with His. Prayer is not about changing God; it’s about changing me. Sure, He can and will accomplish His plans with or without me. He absolutely can work in spite of me, and in no way is He dependent on me. But how much joy could be waiting for me on the other side of submission and obedience? How much maturity could grow if I stopped passively waiting for Him to do as I asked and instead actively trusted Him as I walked in obedience?

God is fully capable of accomplishing His purposes without our help, but our eager participation in His plan might enrich our spiritual journey, multiply our joy, and increase our hope and awe of Him.

Lord, let my life be a testament to Your power and grace.