by Stacey | Mar 3, 2022 | Devotionals, reflections, and encouragement
I’m a sucker for musicals. I adore it when actors burst into song and dance to express their emotions. If only life were like that – free, expressive, and perfectly choreographed. One particular musical includes a high-energy number that poses several questions about love:
- How does she know that you love her?
- How do you show her you love her?
- Does he take her out dancing so that he can hold her close?
- Does he dedicate a song with words meant just for her?
It finishes with a declaration that a man who does all of those things loves you.
Love in Books
As a contemporary romance author, I write often and frequently about love. The majority of readers expect a swoon-worthy romance built on growing affection and admiration between the main characters that includes many of the above ideas. Readers want a love that conquers all. But the secret to this kind of love is not found in a feeling. It’s found in a choice to walk by the Spirit.
Love in Scripture
Those who walk by the Spirit will not gratify the desires of the flesh, which are in opposition to love (Galatians 5:16). Titus 2 commands the older women to teach the younger women to love their husbands and children. If love can be taught, then love can be learned. If love can be learned, then a decision to love can precede the feelings of love.
1 Corinthians 13 defines love with actions. That means we can choose actions that align with the fruit of the Spirit over actions that align with desires of the flesh. When we forget the power of the Spirit that lives within us, we are impatient, unkind, envious, boastful, arrogant, and prideful women that insist on our ways. When we ignore the Spirit, we become irritable, resentful, rejoicing in wrongdoing instead of truth. We are weak, without belief or hope, and defeated. Scripture indicates that we can change these actions regardless of how we feel.
The first step in loving better is to examine our lives for enmity, strife, and fits of anger and heed the warning that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:21). We abhor the evil we see rooted in us and hold fast to what is good, praying the Lord transforms our actions of obedience to genuine love that outdoes others in showing honor (Romans 12:9-10).
Choosing Love
I confess I do not always do this well. Many days, my default response is to keep a record of wrong. In a novel, those records of wrong make for interesting reading (Check out The Sycamore Standoff), but in life, they illustrate our need to confess and repent. If God can take this self-centred, short-tempered woman and give me all that I need to obey, then He can enable you to choose love. And the desire or feelings will come as we walk in obedience.
If you long for the kind of joy and faith that helps you choose love amidst alarming circumstances, you’ll love the Second Edition of Glorious Surrender.
Winner of the Women’s Journey of Faith Award, Stacey Weeks invites you to travel with her through the thirteen chapters in Glorious Surrender and address the deeply-rooted fears we have as mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends. Reflection questions designed to prompt deeper thinking and personal application can be done alone or in a group. Glorious Surrender concludes with five passages of Scripture along with study questions designed to walk you through the text and apply everything you have learned about suffering, surrender, and God’s sovereignty. Some of God’s greatest blessings are hiding behind those parts of our lives that are most difficult to surrender.
by Stacey | Feb 25, 2022 | Devotionals, reflections, and encouragement, Guest Posts
I’m a big fan of novels where opposites attract. I didn’t expect to write a book about friendship where the opposites were two men whose history would make them enemies.
I enjoy writing biblical fiction about little-known Bible characters. In “Defending David,” I follow a Philistine exile who arrives in Jerusalem on the eve of a rebellion. The exile is a Philistine giant named Ittai the Gittite. Ittai sticks by King David’s side when David’s own son is trying to kill David and seize the kingdom.
If you look up faithfulness in the dictionary, you will find words like allegiance, loyalty, and devotion. As a Christian, we know those words apply to our relationship with God. What struck me as unusual is that Ittai the Gittite pledges loyalty to King David, but first, he pledges loyalty to the One True God. Huh? Weren’t the Philistines pagans, and at war with Israel for years?
You only have to go back to David’s childhood to see the animosity between the Israelites and the Philistines. David slayed Goliath—a Philistine giant—for insulting God. And even after Ittai’s appearance in II Samuel 15:21, we see Israel fighting the Philistines (again) in chapter twenty-one, verse fifteen.
So where is the faithfulness? Look at Ittai’s pledge of loyalty to David in II Samuel 15:21.
“But Ittai replied to the king, “As surely as the Lord lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be.” (NIV)
Ittai pledges his faithfulness to God first and foremost. Then he pledges his faithfulness to David, a man after God’s own heart. (I Samuel 13:14). A foreigner who lived in a land of idols places God number one.
Being faithful to God and David will cost Ittai something. The Christian life isn’t always easy. Ittai and his fighting men have just arrived in Jerusalem after traveling across the desert. David tries to persuade Ittai to rest in Jerusalem and ally with Absalom, but Ittai refuses. He and his men will travel once more.
War is dangerous, Ittai will fight for David–God’s anointed king. He will have the responsibility to command a third of Israel’s army. (II Samuel 18:2). A Philistine leading an army of Hebrews? That is a miracle in itself.
So, what do we learn about faithfulness from a Philistine exile?
- God should be number one in our lives. Jesus said it succinctly in the Gospels, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Luke 12:30). A rephrase of Deut. 6:4-6.
- Ittai also loves his neighbor and friend, King David. Jesus mentions this in Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Loving and being faithful in your Christian witness isn’t easy. Ittai is tired from traveling. He risks his life to fight for King David. He does what he is gifted to do, and then some.
- Ittai knows that he serves a living God. How does he know God lives? Traveling with six-hundred Philistines across Israel wasn’t an easy feat. It could have been a disaster except for God. I’m assuming Ittai and his men prayed to the One True God. You cannot have a relationship with a dead, hand-carved pagan god, but you can have a relationship with God who is alive.
- We have God’s Living Word to guide us and encourage us on our Christian journey. We don’t know if Ittai had read some of Moses’ writings or heard tales of the parting of the Red Sea, or even heard David sing a psalm.
If a Philistine exile can place God first in his life and show faithfulness to the Living God, how much more can we today with the truth of Christ’s resurrection and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I’m thrilled to have discovered a new Bible hero who just happens to be a faithful Philistine giant.
When a quiet journey to Jerusalem turns tragic, newly orphaned Rimona must flee a kinsman set on selling her as a slave. Racing into the rocky hills outside of Hebron, Rimona is rescued by a rugged Philistine commander journeying to Jerusalem with six-hundred warriors. Can Rimona trust this giant foreigner, or will she be betrayed once again?
Exiled commander, Ittai the Gittite, is seeking refuge in the City of David. Protecting a frantic Hebrew woman is not in his leadership plan. Though having a nobleman’s niece in his caravan might prove useful for finding shelter in a foreign land.
As Rimona and Ittai journey to Jerusalem, an attraction grows between the two orphans looking for a new home. The unlikely pair arrives in Jerusalem on the eve of a revolt against King David. Will the chaos separate them forever, or can a bold woman and a Philistine exile defend an aging king who has slain tens of thousands, but cannot control a rebellious son?
Purchase on Amazon, B&N, or wherever books are sold. Libraries can order the book as well.
Barbara M. Britton lives in Southeast, Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. She is multi-published in Biblical Fiction and loves bringing little-known Bible characters to light in her stories. Her WWI Historical Until June released in 2020. Barb is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and Romance Writers of America. She has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. You can find out more about Barb and her books on her website at
Or follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or BookBub.
by Stacey | Feb 17, 2022 | Devotionals, reflections, and encouragement, Guest Posts
Who are you?
The characters in my upcoming novel, To Belong Together, latched onto that question without my permission.
I set out to write a story about belonging, but John and Erin kept having conversations like this one:
“You’re John Kennedy, drummer for one of the biggest bands in the country.”
He shook his head as if to disagree, then laughed quietly. “And you’re Erin Hirsh, girl mechanic.”
“I’m a woman and a technician.”
His nod seemed a little smug, as though he’d anticipated her objection. “And a niece, cousin, and spitfire, but I bet daughter matters most.”
A spitfire? Okay, she deserved that, and he didn’t say it like an insult. Plus, he was right. Her role as daughter mattered most. Before Dad’s mind fell prey to dementia, he’d been the only person to understand and accept her. She didn’t belong with anyone the way she belonged with him.
Who will I be when he’s gone, God?
Do you see how seamlessly Erin’s thoughts progressed from roles to belonging to identity?
The three are connected. The identity we claim strongly influences where we believe we belong, and it’s all too easy to identify ourselves by the roles we fill.
Unfortunately, roles come and go. That’s why, when we base our identity on them, they can only provide a temporary sense of belonging—one that’s cast into upheaval when change comes, as Erin is experiencing.
But there is a secure, unchanging anchor for a person’s identity.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8, ESV
The unchanging, loving God crafted us with attention and purpose. (see Psalm 139:14 and Psalm 138:8)
He died on the cross so we could have a right relationship with Him.
When we believe in Him, we become His children, and that is an identity that will never change.
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. 1 John 3:1, ESV
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:28, ESV
Operating from that identity, believers needn’t fear the other changes that come our way. In Christ, we will always have belonging.
John and Erin’s story helped me explore all of this, but as I look back on the story, I realize there’s another character who quietly lives out this example better than any other: Erin’s father.
The one with dementia.
Though his disease has progressed before the story starts, Erin recalls him telling her earlier on that he was willing to walk whatever road God assigned because anything God assigns, He walks His children through.
I think the willingness to accept such a difficult assignment points to a man who was secure in his identity as a beloved child of God. He was confident that even dementia, which threatened not only his roles in life but also his mind, couldn’t separate him from his God.
We live in an uncertain world, and we fill many, many roles over the course of a lifetime. If it’s the comfort and security of true belonging we’re after, then the only place we’ll find it is in Christ. When we base our identities in Him, we, like Erin’s father, needn’t fear any call, challenge, or change.
Fame and money have a way of complicating love.
Drummer John Kennedy can keep a beat, but he can’t hold a conversation, so he relies on actions to show he cares. Unfortunately, when he’s instantly intrigued by a spunky female mechanic, he can’t seem to convey the sincerity of his intentions. And the rejections don’t stop there. His own sister is pushing him away just when he could help her most.
Erin Hirsh’s life would be easier if God hadn’t given her a love for cars. Only her father understood her, and she’s losing him to dementia. Her brief romances have always backfired worse than a mistuned engine, and she refuses to give John the chance to wreck her heart. A rock star with a supermodel ex can’t possibly see anything in her.
At least that’s what she thinks until they find common ground in faith and their worsening family situations leave them each longing for a place to belong. Could God intend for this pair of opposites to belong together?
Emily Conrad writes contemporary Christian romance that explores life’s relevant questions. Though she likes to think some of her characters are pretty great, the ultimate hero of her stories (including the one she’s living) is Jesus. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and their energetic coonhound rescue. Learn more about her and her books at
To Belong Together, releasing 2/28/22, is the second novel in the Rhythms of Redemption Romances, where each story follows one member of the rock band Awestruck. Pre-order the ebook for the discounted price of $2.99 from major online retailers.
by Stacey | Feb 10, 2022 | Kate's Comics
The highs and lows of writing are, well, very high and very low. (Shocking!) 😂
My flesh defaults to giving an agent, publisher, or book reviewer too much power over my emotions. I remind myself DAILY that offers and rejections mean nothing unless I know who I am in Christ.
And the best part? When I know who I am in Christ those other things lose their power to stir my pride, awaken fear of man, or beat me down. They can encourage me, correct me, and humble me, but they can no longer control me.
What are the things in your life that tempt you to elevate them in unhealthy ways?
“Whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God,” 1 Cor 10:31.
by Stacey | Feb 3, 2022 | Devotionals, reflections, and encouragement
The words burst from the depths. Like early rumbling foreshocks, they warn of the coming quake. “Because I said so!”
I struggle to speak with consistent gentleness. The day begins well, but by 9 pm, when my kids are still roaring with energy and mine is depleted, my tone sharpens. I justify my attitude by pointing out their disobedience. However, someone else’s sin never justifies mine.
Have you been there? Have you stood in the right shouting all the wrong words? Have you wielded your battle sword only to lose the larger war?
We know Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” We understand that people respond best to kindness, yet harshness pours easily from the overflow of an exhausted heart. It’s too easy to yield to the temptation to satisfy our flesh by releasing frustration. We fail to heed Galatians 6:1-3 because we think we are right.
At war with that prideful position of being right is the believer’s desire to walk worthy of our calling with all humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with others in love (Eph 4:1-3). We are to “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith …” (1 Timothy 6:10-12), and not be quarrelsome, able to teach, patiently enduring, correcting with gentleness in the hope God may grant him repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:24-26).
As I meditate on the verses that describe the woman the Lord is shaping me to become, I can’t help but notice they are packed with verbs. Action words require an active response from me. That means I stop passively waiting for God to supernaturally drop gentleness onto my tongue. I decide to believe that He has given me all I need in His Spirit to speak with gentleness at all times. And when I fail—because I will—I repent and humbly seek forgiveness from whoever I’ve wronged and God. Being right doesn’t permit me to treat a person made in the image of God harshly.
I don’t know where you are in your spiritual journey or how your relationships with others are growing and changing, but I expect some of you are like me, and you need to hear this correction. You need to hear the encouragement that God will meet us in exhausting moments, and He delights in giving us what we need to walk in obedience to Him; we only need to ask.
If you long for the kind of joy rooted in complete dependence on God, if you long for peace, trust, and contentment amidst alarming circumstances, check out the Second Edition of Glorious Surrender.
Winner of the Women’s Journey of Faith Award, Stacey Weeks invites you to travel with her through the thirteen chapters in Glorious Surrender and address the deeply rooted fears we have as mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends. Reflection questions designed to prompt deeper thinking and personal application can be done alone or in a group. Glorious Surrender concludes with five passages of Scripture along with study questions designed to walk you through the text and apply everything you have learned about suffering, surrender, and God’s sovereignty. Some of God’s greatest blessings are hiding behind those parts of our lives that are most difficult to surrender.