I’m Stacey Weeks, and this is where I share my love for Jesus, family, and all things writing. I often host guest authors that generously share a devotional-style post that connects to their newest release.
I primarily write contemporary romance and romantic suspense, and you can find those titles on the books page. (You can also find my non-fiction titles there!) This blog space is reserved for inspirational and uplifting devotionals to inspire your faith. You’ll meet new authors and be encouraged to press into Jesus.
Thanks for visiting!
God’s Perfect Timing by Carol James
As Christians, we’re called to be faithful with any gifts and talents God has given us…even when the prevailing opinion might be that the timing is wrong.
The Opposite of Fear is not Always Courage. It can also be Peace.
Managing our circumstances will never bring lasting peace—the darkness and pervasiveness of sin roots far too deep than that. Instead, peace comes with an understanding that God uses suffering to accomplish far more extraordinary things than He would by removing suffering.
Like Eli and Meg, I’ve found God in the blessings and provisions of life, but the spectacular sights and rewards that come from the harder work of seeking God in difficulty are even more precious. God has strengthened me to endure and revealed that nothing I fear can limit His hand.
Does God Answer Prayer? by Carol Raj
Muriel wonders why God doesn’t answer her prayers. All she wants is someone to mow her lawn. Someone cheap. At age 71, she can’t pull the cord on her old lawnmower. And her son-in-law won’t let her withdraw money from her accounts to buy a new one. She taught high school for fifteen years and has nothing to show for it. Her life has been meaningless. Or so she thinks. Then she gets carjacked. But before things look better, they look downright disastrous.
Secondary Infertility by Penny Musco
I take great comfort in the assurance that Jesus understands my mourning over my greatest “what if” (Prov. 30:15-16). He sympathizes with me and even shares that burden (Ps. 68:19, Is. 53:4a, 1 Peter 5:7). But He loves me too much to leave me stuck in self-pity. He calls me to live fully and abundantly in “what is,” (Jn. 10:10), fixing my eyes on Him, the author and perfector of my faith (Heb. 12:2).
Who is your Story About? by Lori Altebaumer
We, Dear Sisters, are in the midst of an epic story. It’s a tale of love and war, of good and evil, life and death. And sadly, too often we don’t realize it, or if we do, we determine to make the story about us. It’s human nature.
Hope in God’s Promise by Erin Stevenson
There is HOPE in God’s promise in Isaiah 1:18: “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”