I’m Stacey Weeks, and this is where I share my love for Jesus, family, and all things writing. I often host guest authors that generously share a devotional-style post that connects to their newest release.
I primarily write contemporary romance and romantic suspense, and you can find those titles on the books page. (You can also find my non-fiction titles there!) This blog space is reserved for inspirational and uplifting devotionals to inspire your faith. You’ll meet new authors and be encouraged to press into Jesus.
Thanks for visiting!
12 Days and Trials by Heidi Glick
In Heidi Glick’s new book, 12 Days, the hero has trust issues stemming from growing up in a home with an alcoholic father. With God’s help, Scott’s faith grows.
We set expectations for Christmas, and frankly, for most things in life. We think we know what life is going to hand us, but sometimes God surprises us.
All Was Bright Until …
Author LoRee Peery is writing about how it pleases God when we care for widowed mothers. It warms my heart to read of Christian love lived out so practically. Welcome, LoRee!
Are We Ever Enough?
Author Karen Malley writes about how we don’t measure up and her new release, Moonlight and Mystery. Welcome, Karen!
Links to my GCC articles
If you’ve ever wanted a little peek into the life of your pastor’s wife, these articles might help. It’s been a while since I’ve linked to articles I’ve written for other publications. Below, you’ll find several links to pieces written for the Great Commission Collective – an organization to which our church belongs. I hope you enjoy them!
When Peace Is Elusive
Author Jodie Wolfe writes about peace as an active choice we can make, even in the middle of a storm.