I wake up each morning and remind myself that I have to choose. I can have all the right tools, intentions, and goals, but without making the conscious decision to take action, those things don’t matter.
I Choose Activity
Owning a treadmill will not change a thing if I don’t get on it. It doesn’t matter how much money it cost or how its purchase makes it appear as if I value personal fitness. If I don’t take the time to lace up my shoes and move my body, that treadmill will only gather dust. So, I choose activity and get on that treadmill every day.
I Choose Health
Having fresh vegetables in my fridge and whole grains in my pantry won’t magically transform my health unless I make the effort to cook with intention. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of convenience, opting for fast food or snacks that aren’t doing my body any favours. But I choose to shop with intention, plan my meals, and prepare nourishing food that fuels me.
I Choose to Abide
Having a Bible in the house will not change me if I’m not reading it. Reading it will not change me unless I’m willing to apply it. Applying it won’t change me unless I depend on the Spirit of God for the wisdom and strength to walk out my faith every day. I can have a stack of books filled with wisdom, truth, and guidance, but if I don’t take the time to actually read, reflect, and apply what’s inside, they’re just pages of ink. So, I choose to open my Bible daily, to seek understanding, to quiet my mind, and to invite God’s Word to shape my thoughts and actions.
We All Have to Choose
Life is filled with countless options, distractions, and decisions. Every day we face moments where we have to decide who we will be, what we will do, and how we will live. Our choices shape us, for better or worse, and sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is show up.
Every day, we have the opportunity to choose a better path, a healthier routine, a more fulfilling life. It may not always be easy, but it’s always possible.
Choose to be intentional. Choose to show up, take action, and be accountable. Whether it’s stepping onto that treadmill, cooking healthy meals, or opening your Bible, take responsibility for your growth and transformation.
Christmas comes with a soundtrack. Some silly songs include snowmen and reindeer, while other melodies rouse deep emotions. We sing of silent nights, a babe in a manger, and the arrival of a King. All the while, the twinkle lights flicker and flames cast a nostalgic and festive hue.
On the same radio, from the same lips, words of adoration and joy rub against busyness and consumerism. It’s a constant tug away from the eternal wonder of Christ.
We come to church and sing to the Lord, bringing Him thanksgiving and songs of praise. We open the Word to hear from God, engaging our mind and applying that knowledge and understanding to our hearts. For a few seconds—maybe even a few minutes—we are overwhelmed in the best possible way. Then the chords of the closing hymn begin, and we gather our belongings and people and head into a new week. Thoughts of Christ and his awesomeness remain, but they move somewhere behind all the things that stuff our day-to-day life.
We sing, “O come, let us adore Him” but live as if we adore ourselves, our ambitions, or the world.
Still, Christ calls us to come. To pause. To adore. Not with a fleeting emotion or a single Sunday moment, but with hearts that live in awe of Him daily. Be thankful because “the Lord is a great God” (Psalm 95:3). He holds the depths of the earth, the heights of the mountains, and formed the sea and dry land. This is our God. Our Maker. We belong to Him, the people of his pasture.
The holiday season holds an invitation to examine our worship and shift our adoration from the distractions of this world to the One who came to save it.
So this Christmas, as we sing, “O come, let us adore Him,” let them be more than words. Let them be a reflection of a life surrendered to the glory of the One who is worthy.
Author Carol James has visited the blog many time in the past. It’s a joy to welcome her back again and learn about her new book, Christmas Lights and Moonlit Nights.
As I sat studying the nearly completed puzzle, some gaping holes stared back at me. No matter how many times and ways I tried, the remaining pieces on the table in front of me wouldn’t fit the empty spaces. They must have been from another puzzle. And to top it off, the box lid had was missing. Despite the hours of diligent work combined with trial and error, I was no closer to knowing what the completed puzzle should have looked like than I’d been before I started.
I’ve always enjoyed jigsaw puzzles. I love finding that singular treasure that has the special combination of “innies” and “outies” and colored designs that make it the one and only piece that fits into the waiting gap. I love the sense of accomplishment and victory gained when each piece is correctly placed, the guesswork is over, and the whole reveals a beautiful masterpiece. In contrast, little is more frustrating to a puzzle solver than lost pieces that leave gaping holes.
Christmas Light and Moonlit Nights
In Christmas Lights and Moonlit Nights, Jed has his life planned. All his pieces are fitting together perfectly. A Navy SEAL, he believes God has called him to be a warrior, to fight evil, and he’s willing to sacrifice his desires for a family and risk his life if necessary to fulfill his calling. He’s decided to never marry or have a family. His work is too dangerous.
Jed’s approach to life was somewhat like working a puzzle. He thought he had all his pieces, everything he needed, in hand. When put together, they’d make the life he wanted and treasured. The life to which he was called.
However, when he meets Leah, some of his pieces no longer fit. So after years of planning and arranging, he realized his puzzle, like mine, was flawed. He was faced with the choice to make this flawed, incomplete puzzle work, or find a new one.
When A + B doesn’t = C
We often approach life like Jed did. We want everything to work out the way we think it should. The way we’ve planned. But life isn’t a math problem where A+B=C. Or a puzzle where all the pieces fit and make a beautiful picture.
In First Corinthians 13:12, Paul tells us, “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” Paul reminds us that our current ability to understand and perceive the divine is clouded. Yet, that cloudiness doesn’t indicate a flaw or an omission. It simply means that, as solvers, we are limited by our abilities to perceive reality, no matter how badly we want to solve the puzzle.
So what do we do when life presents us with a puzzle we can’t solve? When some of the pieces seem to be missing or the box lid has been thrown away? While we may not be able to visualize the image of the completed puzzle, it exists. The fault is not in the puzzle, but in the limitations of the the solver.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Our job then, like Jed’s, is to trust. To trust the One Who is the Master Puzzle-Designer. The One Who choreographed and knows the solution.
Here’s a look between the covers of Season of Wonder: Day 1
Hope can feel risky because disappointment lurks closely behind it. If you’ve ever faced disappointment, you know that it’s easier to expect little and be pleasantly surprised than hope big and feel crushed. Hope and fear often tango, each fighting to lead our hearts.
Continuing to hope in a desperate situation can feel like the dangerous, more painful choice. But if we give up, we risk missing the miracle.
The hope born in Jesus will never disappoint. Scripture tells us that when Jesus rules—and He will rule—it will be wonderful. He understands our weaknesses and needs, yet holds the power and authority of God. His rule will not be like any earthly leader. Our human leaders repeatedly disappoint us. Their leadership can be marked by imperfections, failures, or corruption. But Jesus will reign with true justice, righteousness, and peace. The Bible describes this coming Kingdom as a place where every wrong will be made right, where sorrow and suffering will cease, and where God’s glory will shine forever.
The promise of this Savior is woven throughout Scripture. The prophets foretold of a Messiah who would rescue and restore God’s people. This King will sit on David’s throne and establish a kingdom that will never end. This King—our Hope—is Jesus. He is the fulfillment of all God’s promises, the One who was to come and who will come again.
Jesus is the embodiment of every hope humanity has longed for: hope for peace, hope for healing, hope for justice, and hope for a world made whole. Under His reign, we will experience life as it was meant to be—a life filled with joy, security, and unending worship of our King.
This is our hope: Jesus has come. This is our hope: Jesus is coming again. The first Advent—the birth of Christ in a manger—points us forward to the second Advent, the glorious return of Christ. Our hope is not just in a historical event but in a future reality. Jesus has already come to bring salvation, and He will come again to complete His redemptive work.
So we wait, but it is not in despair. We wait in expectation. We hold to the promise that a day is coming when Jesus will return, and He will gather His people. His Kingdom will be fully established. Every tear will be wiped away, and His perfect justice and love will be known by all. Until then, we pray, we watch, and we hope, for the King is coming soon.
You’ll find hope as you remember the Messiah was promised to you before you even knew you needed Him. As you read the prophecies, lean into God’s promises. No matter what life throws your way, you can find comfort in knowing there’s an eternal plan in motion. So, hold on to hope!
Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of the Messiah. As I reflect on the passages of Scripture that speak of His coming, help me to find hope in Jesus’ names and attributes. When I face challenges, remind me that Jesus is my Wonderful Counselor. In moments of weakness, redirect me to my Mighty God. When I feel alone, help me feel the love of my Father. And in times of turmoil, grant me the peace that only the Prince of Peace can give. I want this season to be a time of renewed hope and a deeper trust in Your promises. Help me share this hope with those around me. In His precious name, I pray. Amen.
I hope you enjoyed this look between the covers of Season of Wonder. Season of Wonder holds 25 daily devotionals to encourage you as you pursue Christ this Christmas season.
Barbara and I have never met in person, but, through the internet, we have traded emails and encouragement. She publishes through Pelican Book Group, the same publisher that released my debut title, The Builder’s Reluctant Bride. It’s always a joy to welcome Barbara to the blog. Today, Barbara is writing about prayer. Welcome, Barbara!
The Bible tells us to pray continually (I Thessalonians 5:17). How is this possible when there is washing to be done, bills to be paid, and kid activities to coordinate? I have tried to be more intentional with prayer these past few years.
Memorize the Lord’s Prayer
Have you been asked to pray for a situation where you have no idea what to petition God for? In those situations, I recite the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus taught us to pray this prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. You can add a personal request to this prayer.
Turn off the Radio
I love to listen to the radio, but it takes up precious praying time. If I am going for a drive, I pray for at least half of my car time.
Conversational Prayers
Many times, I am on the phone with someone who asks for prayer. I tell them that I will pray for them, but I also try to pray right then. Why wait? If I text on social media that I will be praying for someone, I make sure to pray before I leave that post.
Did something good happen to you today? Did you wake up? Hit every green light? Be intentional to praise the Lord for little blessings throughout the day.
Praying Continually
Prayer is a blessing for the believer. We can bring our fears, worries, wants, and praise to Jesus, Son of the Most High God. In my latest novel, you will see Emma pray while she is troubled, worried, stressed, and about relationship problems. Emma memorizes Scripture and recites her favorite verses to give herself comfort. Psalm 18:2a is Emma’s favorite verse: The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.
Of course, Emma is also thankful for her friendship with Samantha, which brings her to Whispering Creek.
How do you add more prayer time to your life?
In Escape to Whispering Creek, Emma Uranova enjoys her office job until her boss disappears with the investors’ money. To avoid the media storm and false accusations, Emma flees to Whispering Creek, Tennessee to live on her best friend’s secluded property. When a temporary position opens up in Nashville, Emma leaves small-town anonymity to pad her depleted bank account. With a handsome new boss and a steady income, Emma believes life is looking up… until she discovers she has transported the scandal in her backpack. Where is God when her life is falling apart?
Wade Donoven is recuperating from a crash that sidelined him from the family electrical business. Worse yet, his prodigal younger brother is getting the glory for Wade’s accomplishments. Desperation, and physical setbacks, have him agreeing to let Emma help him manage the business office. But when trouble follows her to his doorstep, Wade must make some difficult choices. Sending Emma back to Whispering Creek may unknowingly place the woman he’s come to love in danger.
September has always been a fun month in our homeschooling journey. But I’m a bit nerdy, and I’ve always loved unpacking the curriculum and making the agenda for the year. There’s something magical about the fresh start of a new school year—the uncracked spines of new books, the feel of crisp, blank pages. They represent so much more than an academic start. To me, they symbolize hope and possibility.
But as exciting as all that is, curriculum and schedules are not where my ultimate hope for my children lies. The anticipation of a new year can create a laser focus on getting everything right—choosing the perfect material, organizing a flawless calendar, and mentally preparing ourselves to meet every challenge. While these preparations are important, they’re not strong enough to hold our hope.
Our ultimate hope for our children’s future does not rest in our ability to choose the right math program or follow a classical education schedule. Because if it did, we would have the ability to derail our children’s lives, and the sovereignty of God says we don’t have that kind of power. God is the One who carries our children, who knows the plans He has for them, and who will guide their steps far beyond what we can imagine.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)
As you plan and prepare, remember to seek God first and seek Him urgently. Ask Him for wisdom, direction, and strength as you lead your children. And remember, you do not hold the outcome in your hands—God does. He is the one who will bring about the results in His perfect timing and according to His perfect plan.
Moving forward, I encourage you to three tasks:
Release the Burden: Take a moment right now to release the burden of outcomes to God. What are your hopes and concerns for the year? Prayerfully hand them over to Him.
Seek God First: Before diving into your daily lessons and plans, spend time in prayer asking for God’s guidance and wisdom. Make this a daily habit.
Encourage Your Children: Encourage your children to do their best, but more importantly, to trust God with their journey. Their identity is not found in their student average. Their value is not dependent on making the grade. Just as your identity is not in being the teacher and your value is not tied to their success or failure. Their identity and our identity are rooted in Christ. Their value and our value comes from the Creator who has made us to be His image bearer in this world.
As you walk through the days ahead, keep your eyes on the One who holds all things together. In Him, you will find the strength and peace you need to guide your children through their education and beyond.