When I began writing, I set the goal of securing a traditional publishing contract. I longed for the validation that such a contract would bring. For a while, that was enough.
Eventually, I set new goals. Could I write a second book and sell it? Could I write a series? Could I land an agent? Could writing become a profitable venture?
I read articles and attended workshops as I pursued these goals. One teacher suggested researching popular subgenres to gain insight into what people wanted to read. I dove into the subdivisions of my category of literature and found a plethora of high-paying opportunities, but their subject matter appalled me.

It is devastating as a writer to learn that God-honouring titles barely put food on the table while filth and scandal pay extremely well.
I grieved the sordidness of the world but then allowed Psalm 37 to remind me that the prosperity of the wicked is temporary, and nothing gained in this world is worth losing God. I will remain in step with God. I will fill my heart with His law. I will remind myself of truth, and ensure that my mouth and pen utter wisdom and justice.
Have you ever felt jealously for the prosperity of the wicked? How does Palm 37 address this attitude? What encouragement do you find here?
Ask the Lord to strengthen your resolve to write words of wisdom and justice. Ask God to rekindle your passion to write for His glory and fame.
Then, ask the Lord to provide your heart’s desire regarding your writing career. Boldly approach the throne of grace with confidence. If we have not because we ask not, ask! Then resolve to accept and celebrate however God answers your request.