One of my greatest joys as an author is being able to celebrate the publishing victories of my friends because I know so well the difficult journey from idea to product. Today, I’m celebrating with Marie. You might remember her from some old social media posts. Marie and I attended my FIRST seminary class together five years ago.

Since then, Marie has gone on to write a beautiful collection of devotional-style reflections. Today, she’s sharing one from her new release: Monday Morning Moments. (Isn’t the cover pretty?)

From Monday Morning Moments
I bought this hydrangea plant called “Endless Summer.” I do love hydrangeas, and at present, I have one that blooms beautiful white blooms in the spring and another that blooms beautiful rose-colored blooms in the fall. However, this hydrangea was different because it promised blooms all season long. Continuous blooms from spring to fall? Oh, how I needed this plant.
The other thing that made this hydrangea different from the two I already owned was the color of the blooms were unknown. It would be so neat to plant this beautiful flowery shrub and wait to see the color. The greenhouse where I purchased the hydrangea enclosed a pamphlet with gardening tips and such. The pamphlet stated that the color of the blooms depended on the soil in which the hydrangea was planted. What was inside, and hidden in the ground, would determine the color of the blossoms.
This made me think about my life. It made me think about the soil of my heart. What was deep in the soil of my heart, and what was that soil producing outwardly? I can say with certainty that when my heart has held on to bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, and resentment, the outward blossoms usually produced were hurtful words or actions.
So, what does the soil of your heart look like, friend? What kinds of blossoms are being produced by it?
God’s Word reminds us in Luke 6:45:
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
Lord, we ask that You reveal the condition of the soil in our hearts. May we be like David and cry out, “Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). Lord, may our hearts’ soil be rich in love, kindness, and gentleness, and may that be expressed through our words and deeds. Amen.
You can find Marie’s book on Amazon (UK), Amazon (CA) and Amazon (USA). Check them out and be encouraged in your walk with the Lord.