We put our oldest son on a plane and sent him up north for the summer. He has a job working at an outdoor camp and has been looking forward to this adventure for months. Thankfully, his local part-time employer gave him the summer off so he could take advantage of this opportunity.

I can’t help but think back to when we first adopted the boys. Our life became a whirlwind of noise and laughter. It was quite a shock moving from a family of three (parents + one daughter) to an instant family of five. The boys were two and three when they joined our family.

People said it would go fast. They said we would look back and long for those busy days with little ones. And I’d smile in return and nod, not fully understanding how correct those statements were/are. It has gone quickly. And this mini-send-off is the prequel to the bigger one not too far down the road. However, instead of looking back with longing, I want to be fully present now. The teen years have been a blast, and I have loved learning to enjoy our kids during this stage of life. I don’t want to miss right now because I’m too busy trying to reclaim what once was.

Because right now is pretty great.

So, however long we have with these amazing kids we’ve been blessed to raise, I’m all in. I can’t wait to hear all about his summer adventures when he returns. Here’s to cherishing each moment, embracing the present, and eagerly looking forward to the future. Life’s journey with them is a precious gift, and I intend to savour every second.