

The words burst from the depths. Like early rumbling foreshocks, they warn of the coming quake. “Because I said so!”

I struggle to speak with consistent gentleness. The day begins well, but by 9 pm, when my kids are still roaring with energy and mine is depleted, my tone sharpens. I justify my attitude by pointing out their disobedience. However, someone else’s sin never justifies mine.

Have you been there? Have you stood in the right shouting all the wrong words? Have you wielded your battle sword only to lose the larger war?

We know Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” We understand that people respond best to kindness, yet harshness pours easily from the overflow of an exhausted heart. It’s too easy to yield to the temptation to satisfy our flesh by releasing frustration. We fail to heed Galatians 6:1-3 because we think we are right.

At war with that prideful position of being right is the believer’s desire to walk worthy of our calling with all humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with others in love (Eph 4:1-3). We are to “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith …” (1 Timothy 6:10-12), and not be quarrelsome, able to teach, patiently enduring, correcting with gentleness in the hope God may grant him repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

As I meditate on the verses that describe the woman the Lord is shaping me to become, I can’t help but notice they are packed with verbs. Action words require an active response from me. That means I stop passively waiting for God to supernaturally drop gentleness onto my tongue. I decide to believe that He has given me all I need in His Spirit to speak with gentleness at all times. And when I fail—because I will—I repent and humbly seek forgiveness from whoever I’ve wronged and God. Being right doesn’t permit me to treat a person made in the image of God harshly.

I don’t know where you are in your spiritual journey or how your relationships with others are growing and changing, but I expect some of you are like me, and you need to hear this correction. You need to hear the encouragement that God will meet us in exhausting moments, and He delights in giving us what we need to walk in obedience to Him; we only need to ask.

If you long for the kind of joy rooted in complete dependence on God, if you long for peace, trust, and contentment amidst alarming circumstances, check out the Second Edition of Glorious Surrender.

Winner of the Women’s Journey of Faith Award, Stacey Weeks invites you to travel with her through the thirteen chapters in Glorious Surrender and address the deeply rooted fears we have as mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends. Reflection questions designed to prompt deeper thinking and personal application can be done alone or in a group. Glorious Surrender concludes with five passages of Scripture along with study questions designed to walk you through the text and apply everything you have learned about suffering, surrender, and God’s sovereignty. Some of God’s greatest blessings are hiding behind those parts of our lives that are most difficult to surrender.

Gentle Answers

Gentle Answers

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

This is one of our family verses. We are working hard to keep the tone in our home gentle and encouraging, even in the midst of discipline (not always easy!) because God’s Word is truth and it applies to both our children and to us as parents.

But it’s not easy. It’s not easy to keep a gentle tone when one squirms on the floor refusing to put on his shoes when the others are late for school. It’s not easy on the fifth warning to quiet down and go to sleep. It’s not easy in the midst of temper tantrums and tears.

But who said parenting was easy?

So much is at stake.

Their whole outlook on life, how they grow up and treat others, how they relate to people in authority, and what they believe about God will be shaped in these early years at home with us. There is too much at stake to miss the target God has given us.

Strength comes from God. He will give me what I need to parent in wisdom, gentleness and love. I know that. I believe it. What scares me is that I also know myself – my tendency to move ahead of Him, to try it on my own strength first, rush into my day full of my own plans.

So this is me, putting it out there publicly so you can hold me accountable, or maybe we can hold each other accountable. I am praying for gentleness in all conversations.

I cannot control the choices my children make. They are ultimately accountable to God. But I can control how I speak to them, what I teach them, and the example I set. For this, I am accountable to God.

“Let your gentleness be evident to all. (Philippians 4:5a)”