Through the Years of Tears I Have Come, by Christine Hoover

It is a delight to introduce Christine Hoover who blogs over at Grace Covers Me. Christine has graciously allowed me to share her post about her son.

Christine: Ten years ago I was crying different tears over this boy. They were bitter, desperate, pleading tears that soaked and salted my entire life. Like a broken faucet, I couldn’t restrain their constant dripping. I cried throughout worship at church, unable to sing the words and mean them. I cried while driving the car with my son in the backseat and another in my womb. I cried in my bed, clinging to my husband, broken at the sight of his tears mirroring my own. Always, I cried after interacting with other people’s children whose affront to me was simply being typical, everyday kids who were hitting all their milestones.

If you’ve cried similar tears for your children you’ll want to click here and read the rest of Christine’s story where she shares how God helped and healed not only her son, but also her own heart.

Author Christine Hoover: The grace of Christ upended my legalistic life over a decade ago and ever since, I’ve been passionate about exploring and sharing about how that grace impacts every inch of life. In addition to my blog and books, I regularly contribute to Desiring God, Flourish (an online resource for ministry wives), and For The Church. My work has also appeared on The Gospel Coalition, New Churches, Christianity Today, and Outreach.

Always a student

Always a student

My niece just moved in with our family. Here she is unpacking her life.


She had dedicated the next year to her studies. She is spending the next year learning. Learning her craft. Preparing for the future.

When was the last time that I spent a huge block of time solely dedicated to learning? Learning what’s important? Preparing myself for eternity?

What am I learning?

Right here, right now God is teaching me about grace. I am learning about forgiveness. I am learning that things are not always black and white.

I’m learning I don’t need all the answers, I just need to trust God has them and that He’s got my back. That leads to my next lesson. I’m learning about trust.

I’m learning that motherhood is both the most important and hardest role I’ll ever have.  And that leads me back to grace.

Did I mention I am learning more about grace?

I’m learning I’m wrong far more than I like to admit. I’m learning that attitude counts for a lot. I’m learning more about the hugeness of my sin and the constant battle between my own sinful nature and the Holy Spirit.

I’m learning I have a lot to learn.

Just when I think I have a handle on it all, God peels back another layer and I see my smallness in contrast to His greatness with fresh eyes again.

I’m learning that I have barely scratched the surface of who God is and what His plan is for my life.

I’m learning even more about grace.

What are you learning?

A Christmas Prayer

You abound in steadfast love. You listen to my pleas. You answer. Always.

You are great. You do wondrous things. You alone are God. My God.

You did a wondrous thing when you came to earth as a baby. You did a wondrous thing when you died in my place. You did a wondrous thing when you called an unworthy sinner like me by name. Thank you for grace.

Everything I have, all that I am, all whom I love are because of Your grace.

That I know You at all is an act of Your grace.

You are merciful and generous. I humbly ask for neither poverty nor riches but that I find joy in your presence. Pure Joy.

I want a thirst for You only quenched by time spent with You. I want to always want more, to know You more, to love You more.

Happy Birthday my Saviour. Please accept the only gift I have to give. My love.