We gathered together, voices lifted in prayer, hearts united in purpose. The prayer meeting was called to intercede for new church plants and mission work. One by one, voices spoke of God’s provision, His calling, His unwavering presence in the midst of difficulty. Ordinary people, just like you and me, testified to how the Lord had used them—broken, weak, yet wholly His.

And as I listened, a deep, humbling awareness washed over me: What a privilege it is to serve the Lord!

Ministry is not a burden to bear or a duty to fulfill. It is a gift—a precious opportunity to be part of God’s redemptive work. He doesn’t need us, yet He calls us. He doesn’t require our efforts, yet He delights in using them. He doesn’t demand perfection, yet He fills our feeble offerings with power and purpose.

I was overwhelmed afresh by the kindness of God. He has been so gentle, so merciful, so patient with me. I have nothing to offer Him except my surrendered heart, and still, He takes it and uses it for His glory.

If you are weary in ministry, if you feel unnoticed or discouraged, may I encourage you with this reminder: serving the Lord is a privilege. Every prayer prayed, every sacrifice made, every unseen act of faithfulness is known by Him. He is working, even when we cannot see it. He is faithful, even when we feel inadequate. He is good, always good.

Let us continue, then, with hearts full of gratitude, trusting that He who called us is faithful. May we never lose sight of the immense privilege it is to serve Him.