I wake up each morning and remind myself that I have to choose. I can have all the right tools, intentions, and goals, but without making the conscious decision to take action, those things don’t matter.
I Choose Activity
Owning a treadmill will not change a thing if I don’t get on it. It doesn’t matter how much money it cost or how its purchase makes it appear as if I value personal fitness. If I don’t take the time to lace up my shoes and move my body, that treadmill will only gather dust. So, I choose activity and get on that treadmill every day.
I Choose Health
Having fresh vegetables in my fridge and whole grains in my pantry won’t magically transform my health unless I make the effort to cook with intention. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of convenience, opting for fast food or snacks that aren’t doing my body any favours. But I choose to shop with intention, plan my meals, and prepare nourishing food that fuels me.
I Choose to Abide
Having a Bible in the house will not change me if I’m not reading it. Reading it will not change me unless I’m willing to apply it. Applying it won’t change me unless I depend on the Spirit of God for the wisdom and strength to walk out my faith every day. I can have a stack of books filled with wisdom, truth, and guidance, but if I don’t take the time to actually read, reflect, and apply what’s inside, they’re just pages of ink. So, I choose to open my Bible daily, to seek understanding, to quiet my mind, and to invite God’s Word to shape my thoughts and actions.
We All Have to Choose
Life is filled with countless options, distractions, and decisions. Every day we face moments where we have to decide who we will be, what we will do, and how we will live. Our choices shape us, for better or worse, and sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is show up.
Every day, we have the opportunity to choose a better path, a healthier routine, a more fulfilling life. It may not always be easy, but it’s always possible.
Choose to be intentional. Choose to show up, take action, and be accountable. Whether it’s stepping onto that treadmill, cooking healthy meals, or opening your Bible, take responsibility for your growth and transformation.
What will you choose today?